Friday, 28 December 2012

Reckless abandonment and an Einherjar at a traditional Jule fest

So its that magical period between Christmas and New Years. A confusing period where the average Dane's diet switches from too much food and some alcohol, to too much alcohol and some food. Today is the in between day so im going to eat 3 kgs of chicken and drain a bottle of vodka (to err on the side of caution obvs), which I have taken implicit approval from Freyr (Norse god of Sunshine and "phallic fertility" - my kind of man) as its warm (3 degrees) and sunny.
"Go Dyl, go forth and frolic in the sunshine and  ensure you include, surreptitiously, some phallic symbolism throughout your sunny Friday" - Freyr, from his most recent saga 'Stop, Freyr time'
In addition to some exciting New Years plans of a James Bond themed party and copious amounts of liquid fun and friends, there will be a lot more on offer in 2013 including trips to Iceland and Norway, to continue my own Nordic Saga.

More importantly now though is what has happened in the last few weeks. Which has included many of my exchange student friends leaving, goodbye parties, Jule Frokost(s) and the finishing off of an exam and an assignment like the studious person i am.

Here is some photographic evidence denizens of Manheimr.

The excitement filled Lolland

En rigtigt hyggeligt Jul

presents, after eating far tooooo much 3 days in  a row thanks to Ane's lovely mor
My room after mischievous elves broke in high on Xmas spirit and LSD


Happy New YEARSSSS 2013!!!
Have a happy new year and if you're in Copenhagen come to Tietgen for a massive party you foreveralones.

<3 XxxxXXXxxx

Friday, 21 December 2012

a Hersir attends Jule Frokost

Just a cheeky update to let you know the scoop. (a full post will be available around Christmas day/boxing day for all my loyal readers/groupies)

So we have our Jule Frokost today (Chrissy lunch) and its going to be one ÆPIC FEST!!!

It will be akin to a whole bunch of Einherjar in Valhalla preparing for Ragnarök.

As depicted by Lego:
Mead, Meat and Merry times
Pics will hopefully be depraved and compromising. In fact i will assure you that it will be the case. It wouldn't be Christmas lunch without someone getting naked and being covered in tinsel like a down-on-her-luck she-elf from the north pole.

 God Jul og God Nyt År till alle

As merry as i get..... ever.
I leave you with the traditional and original reason we eat a lot and drink too much this time of the year  (applicable to white people mostly, #thankscolonialism?)
"Celebration of the Norse New Year; a festival of 12 nights. This is the most important of all the Norse holidays. On the night of December 20, the god Ingvi Freyr rides over the earth on the back of his shining boar, bringing Light and Love back into the World. In later years, after the influence of Christianity, the god Baldur, then Jesus, was reborn at this festival. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things; the darkest time (shortest hour of daylight) during the year and the brightest hope re-entering the world. During this festival, the Wild Hunt is at its greatest fervor, and the dead are said to range the Earth in its retinue. The god Wotan (Odin) is the leader of this Wild Ride; charging across the sky on his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir; a very awe-inspiring vision. In ancient times, Germanic and Norse children would leave their boots out by the hearth on Solstice Eve, filled with hay and sugar, for Sleipnir's journey. In return, Wotan would leave them a gift for their kindness. In modern times, Sleipnir was changed to a reindeer and the grey-bearded Wotan became the kindly Santa Claus (Father Christmas)."

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Snow, Exams and a Winter wonderland

December has come in all guns blazing, and froze and snowed the fudge out of everything it could lay its greedy, end of the year paws on.

As seen thusly:
The view from my room Bachelor Pad of extreme awesomeness
With the run into winter there has been a lot of time for contemplation and deliberation on my part, while everyone else works diligently on impending assignments and exams. It's surprising how much free time i have for activities and leisure when I only have a couple of classes and no job. Obvs I've made good use of this time by watching TV, sleeping and doing arts and crafts. Also been able to sneak in a few nights of over indulging in alcohol and filthy beats (that drop dirtier than African water), which have ended in both amusing and unpalatable manners, respectively. Many more to come though for the remaining holiday season, which means I will once again undertake my quest to drink Copenhagen dry of its cider and Voddie/Danske vand combos.

For a look at what was on, here is the boat i partied* on last Saturday.
*Party in its most broad and base definition, not indicative of time, dancing, drinking and/or fun
Also been able to plan a few trips to Norway and Iceland, which should be awesome-sauce.

These coming weeks will include parties, an exam (my virgin oral exam, oooooh yeah), Jule Frokost and the mother flipping Hobbit movie in 3D 48Fps!!!

My mate Balrog is bloody stoked about it too.
I'll leave you some pics from my best attempt to not fall over on ice, while wearing ungainly and unforgiving boots, supposedly referred to as Ice-Skating, of which I'm sure I made a mockery.

My lucky scarf
Mirin' my camo cargo pants? yeah you mirin'
 See you round like a record suckassssss