Friday, 28 December 2012

Reckless abandonment and an Einherjar at a traditional Jule fest

So its that magical period between Christmas and New Years. A confusing period where the average Dane's diet switches from too much food and some alcohol, to too much alcohol and some food. Today is the in between day so im going to eat 3 kgs of chicken and drain a bottle of vodka (to err on the side of caution obvs), which I have taken implicit approval from Freyr (Norse god of Sunshine and "phallic fertility" - my kind of man) as its warm (3 degrees) and sunny.
"Go Dyl, go forth and frolic in the sunshine and  ensure you include, surreptitiously, some phallic symbolism throughout your sunny Friday" - Freyr, from his most recent saga 'Stop, Freyr time'
In addition to some exciting New Years plans of a James Bond themed party and copious amounts of liquid fun and friends, there will be a lot more on offer in 2013 including trips to Iceland and Norway, to continue my own Nordic Saga.

More importantly now though is what has happened in the last few weeks. Which has included many of my exchange student friends leaving, goodbye parties, Jule Frokost(s) and the finishing off of an exam and an assignment like the studious person i am.

Here is some photographic evidence denizens of Manheimr.

The excitement filled Lolland

En rigtigt hyggeligt Jul

presents, after eating far tooooo much 3 days in  a row thanks to Ane's lovely mor
My room after mischievous elves broke in high on Xmas spirit and LSD


Happy New YEARSSSS 2013!!!
Have a happy new year and if you're in Copenhagen come to Tietgen for a massive party you foreveralones.

<3 XxxxXXXxxx

Friday, 21 December 2012

a Hersir attends Jule Frokost

Just a cheeky update to let you know the scoop. (a full post will be available around Christmas day/boxing day for all my loyal readers/groupies)

So we have our Jule Frokost today (Chrissy lunch) and its going to be one ÆPIC FEST!!!

It will be akin to a whole bunch of Einherjar in Valhalla preparing for Ragnarök.

As depicted by Lego:
Mead, Meat and Merry times
Pics will hopefully be depraved and compromising. In fact i will assure you that it will be the case. It wouldn't be Christmas lunch without someone getting naked and being covered in tinsel like a down-on-her-luck she-elf from the north pole.

 God Jul og God Nyt År till alle

As merry as i get..... ever.
I leave you with the traditional and original reason we eat a lot and drink too much this time of the year  (applicable to white people mostly, #thankscolonialism?)
"Celebration of the Norse New Year; a festival of 12 nights. This is the most important of all the Norse holidays. On the night of December 20, the god Ingvi Freyr rides over the earth on the back of his shining boar, bringing Light and Love back into the World. In later years, after the influence of Christianity, the god Baldur, then Jesus, was reborn at this festival. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things; the darkest time (shortest hour of daylight) during the year and the brightest hope re-entering the world. During this festival, the Wild Hunt is at its greatest fervor, and the dead are said to range the Earth in its retinue. The god Wotan (Odin) is the leader of this Wild Ride; charging across the sky on his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir; a very awe-inspiring vision. In ancient times, Germanic and Norse children would leave their boots out by the hearth on Solstice Eve, filled with hay and sugar, for Sleipnir's journey. In return, Wotan would leave them a gift for their kindness. In modern times, Sleipnir was changed to a reindeer and the grey-bearded Wotan became the kindly Santa Claus (Father Christmas)."

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Snow, Exams and a Winter wonderland

December has come in all guns blazing, and froze and snowed the fudge out of everything it could lay its greedy, end of the year paws on.

As seen thusly:
The view from my room Bachelor Pad of extreme awesomeness
With the run into winter there has been a lot of time for contemplation and deliberation on my part, while everyone else works diligently on impending assignments and exams. It's surprising how much free time i have for activities and leisure when I only have a couple of classes and no job. Obvs I've made good use of this time by watching TV, sleeping and doing arts and crafts. Also been able to sneak in a few nights of over indulging in alcohol and filthy beats (that drop dirtier than African water), which have ended in both amusing and unpalatable manners, respectively. Many more to come though for the remaining holiday season, which means I will once again undertake my quest to drink Copenhagen dry of its cider and Voddie/Danske vand combos.

For a look at what was on, here is the boat i partied* on last Saturday.
*Party in its most broad and base definition, not indicative of time, dancing, drinking and/or fun
Also been able to plan a few trips to Norway and Iceland, which should be awesome-sauce.

These coming weeks will include parties, an exam (my virgin oral exam, oooooh yeah), Jule Frokost and the mother flipping Hobbit movie in 3D 48Fps!!!

My mate Balrog is bloody stoked about it too.
I'll leave you some pics from my best attempt to not fall over on ice, while wearing ungainly and unforgiving boots, supposedly referred to as Ice-Skating, of which I'm sure I made a mockery.

My lucky scarf
Mirin' my camo cargo pants? yeah you mirin'
 See you round like a record suckassssss

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Lock, stock and one loaded barbell

Nearing the end of November and the home run down to Jul (Christmas), which begs the question at least once from every bodies lips, "Where the pine nuts has the year gone?"

Well i'll tell you where it went, into oblivion, along with your hopes and dreams and first ever pet.

For me however, i transcend oblivion, so my time has been invested as memories on which i can recall later to peruse at my leisure and which i will also (selectively) share with you here.

Saw Skyfall at the movies, awesome sauce, Bond is still king (followed closely by Bourne) and Daniel Craig is the 'realist' bond I've seen so far. Insofar as he acts somewhat like a spy, and is looking juuuuicy for a bro in his 40s.

Making killing in the name of the Queen a desirable occupation for men ages 12-85
Sprinkle the weekdays with a little school, homework, skyping fam and friends from home, miscing, gym and watching the danish days lose sunlight so very fast. So now that rugby is over i will have to find another hobby to take my rage out upon. Wonder if Copenhagen has a quidditch team?

Also it was my birthday. Which means I'm in my mid-twenties and can finally command respect from mid teens the world around. Its a sweet moment indeed. I got lots of awesome presents, including bacon seasoning, a set of bike gloves, a gym set for Adelaide home, a smashing scarf, haighs choccy and a awesome first edition Mummi book
"This isn't what it looks like" - a quote from the book I havent yet read
So in celebration of my birthday I had a whole weekend in Stockholm with my Boomerang buddy Peta.
In lieu of a generic holiday explanation the cliffs are as follows: drunk, walked, gorged on buffet breakfast, drunk some more, made a somewhat reasonable attempt to go clubbing with famous people, wore shorts in autumn, cracked hilarious jokes at Peta's expense and a first class train ride to boot.

See you in winter, brace yourself.

Kindest regards,

P.s. also had high tea which was cool beans.

Monday, 5 November 2012

I'm so strong I can bench press your frown into a smile

So november is here and with it comes great hurdles to be... ahh umm hurdled? Including the anniversary of my coming into existence, the final rugby games of the inexorably cold and damp autumn (and rugby parties),  an exam, a trip to Stockholm, and other seemingly innocuous eventualities.

But you're here to hear about what HAS happened, like a great historian,
Said historien:

not what MAY happen like the customer of an equally impressive far-seer.

Said far-seer.

So since my last post I have been able to sit and hopefully crush an exam in my international trade course (eat it Feenstra), proceeded to become inebriated only twice or so due to the studying cramping my Fata Morganaesque social life. My Canberran friend Peta has probably drunk enough for the both of us over the past fortnight, so i don't feel too shameful. Shared excess, is an excess halved or some such prophetic notion.

I did attend a fundraiser for a Kenyan goat, seemingly 47 halloween parties, eat my way through enough bounty's to satisfy a Samoan, attend a meeting for Danish youth ambassadors (
and endless other activities one goes through while on exchange. 8 months remain, so I hope my testicular fortitude will allow me to avoid burning out like the emaciated husk of so many students before me, in this the crucible of Studying/partying and slacking which is an ''Exchange in Copenhagen.''

Also saw the new bond movie which was pretty sweet beans, so theres that.

Heres some graphical memories.

Scott as batman

I will ensure there are more pictures of my antics for the next installment titled "Advice required as I 'hypothetically' may have run naked down HC Anderson Boulevard,"

Peace out like a girl scout

Drunk at the Rugby
p.s. congtrats to Frederiksberg Rugby club as their Women VII's and 2nd XV won their respective leagues. Tillykke!

Friday, 19 October 2012

An antipodes' panorama

Day 80:

I have managed to infiltrate and blend with the Danes like a quaintly accented spy a la "Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko". They do not suspect I'm trying to eat them out of bacon and pastries (the staple foods of a typical and quintessential Dane) and emasculate their men (on and off the rugby pitch), undermining their entire society and leaving it vulnerable to an Australia invasionary force.

In addition to these Alpha objectives, some supplementary objectives have been achieved by the Whitemare (me).

Things such as attending the ballet, pictured here (and various foods obvs):

Le ballet

MY homemade raw, vegan unbaked kage

Just killing Peta at Brick Stack (jenga for those not in a topsy turvey world)

cheeky økologisk aftenfest

Also my cousin came to visit and proceeded to be kicked out of the lowliest club in the entire country. Just exemplifying that being drunk and belligerent is inherently genetic and that I should probs stop resisting it. She did jump the fence with my kitchen-mate Ane, drunk/short/white ninja girls clumsily rolling and boosting each other of a metre high fence (and both having the war wounds to show for it). On the upside of that low key tuesday we ate some amazing shwarma/donner/kebab/yiros/gyro and chocolate on the go. I also verbally committed to my cousins now 3 person band English for runaways, consisting of a keytarist, ukulele and me the accordion player. Should be a winner.

playing a few more rugby matches also. sneaky pre-game selfy.

Also my fair share of TV shows and studying have been undertaken. Im also becoming a adequate chef (ladies..), guided mostly by re-runs of the 90's television masterpiece Iron Chef!

Now off to lunch before i go catatonic and the entire last 3 years have been for naught.

Wolfman checking out of the Danger Zone, over.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Cool Bananer


Welllll hello there. 2 months down and time has just be flying by. Well and truly into the semester and picking up how the Danish university system operates (which is vastly different to Aus, for my courses anyway) and doing my best to keep afloat amid the reading, beer drinking, classes, rugby and general living events. We have bars at our campus every friday, which are cool and then it seems as if there is a party at my kollegium every week. As seen here, with the Belgian roommate and I.

I'll give a general overview of how my time is spent here. 25% university, 10% rugby, 15-20% partying
shopping for food 10% (i eat a lot and often) gym 5%, with the remainder spent sleeping and watching some TV shows and movies. Student life eh? not so bad. apart from the studying bit its just like being unemployed.

Fuuuuuuarrrrrrkkk, i have been smashing the pastries and cakes here just quietly. The danes do there baked goods so well its ridics. That should be enough incentive for you to come here alone, but they also have a massive selection of bacon, beer and biddies.

Also had my dad visit this last week which was awesome, he was able to come out to a rugby game and watch us carve up a team from Jutland. Then we trekked around Amager and Christiahavn, sight seeing and what not.

few pics:
Heres my rugby team btw FRK:

So all in all its been an eventful end to September, with its fair share of ups and downs (of which is not all peachy, as living here, things do go wrong and some not so fun times are had) but the good faaaar outweighing the negatives. As an example having a good time eating some pastries and writing my blog about my travels while listening to some beastly tunes (Clockwork- BBBS thanks brother)

Here are some more pics from some of the events, Like Tour de chambre (our kitchen/roommate party) and other associated kollegium soirees.
god fornøjelse!

Vi ses!!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Undervisning & The Autumn schedule.

G'day all,

First time reporting in since finishing my fantastical language course and beginning the tough slog which is:
Økonomisk (economics) and statsvidenskab (political science) .
So I've finally been able to sort my classes and timetable, which has me attending every day but Thursday
but no more than 3 hours each day, and a class clash on Friday mornings. So I guess this is ok? We

will see how it pans out I guess. I might have to change my UFC class and the unit of Breakdanceology for a 
double class on "Aliens" (They have some pretty sweet courses at KU, you should check it out for sure)

But in all seriousness I have Finance, trade theory, macro and IR in the 3rd world. Its informative and 

well structured, deffo recommend for those of you looking for a renowned and reputable university to
study at.

Here it is (very picturesque for an old Hospital): 

So obvs i have taken this opportunity to party and get to know lots of interesting people sit in my room and
watch the Workaholics and read some books. I'm an outrageous individual.

On a more lewd note, I did have a mentor welcoming party last Friday to which I attend with a few mates.

Was going swimmingly up until the bright idea of purchasing 3L of vintage James Hardy wine. And then
suddenly its the morning and I'm left bewildered as to why I feel like I tried to eat a grenade. Piecing my
night back together saw me attend several parties (some of which I was invited to, mind) and then pilfer
several slices of tea cake from some poor innocent bystanders table. Fair to say I'm done with hvidvin.

Pics: (TBA)
Conversely, my rugby team (the great FRK) made the super league, which entitles us to play across the 

country against other qualifying teams, which should be chill. Also Danmark beat Norway in the Viking 
Tri-nations. Good stuff.

Not sure what else you loyal plebs want to read, so feel free to add suggestions.

I am endeavoring to dust off my camera and show you guys what the Dylman gets up to on the reg.

 Should be mad nuts.
Weathers been awesome-sauce. Looking to get a bit chillier though.
Plenty of hyggeligt gange and more to come i hope.

Signing off while listening to some Aus Hip-hop and making Bacon and eggs 
(bulk and deadlift day brahs)

Monday, 27 August 2012

The end of the beginning

Well, its been a crazy-busy last few weeks. Tomorrow is my final oral exam for the danish language course and then its off to begin proper classes. biuriful. But here's a run down of the last 2 weeksish.

The rugby season (for me) has started and I was able to score a try in our first game and contribute somewhat from the wing and later, no.8 positions. We still lost unfortunately, even with my admirable attempts to provoke the opposition Danish players. (a couple of dust ups almost ensued on my behalf, just making friends all over the shop)

Here's one of me from the first game not being able to stop their fat-arse fly half from scoring. (only pic i could find)

Second game played out much like the first, with some moments of scintillating rugby followed by mistakes, turnovers and penalties on our behalf. Both times we have been easily able to win but to no avail. Hopefully i can get out of blind wing and into outside centre or flank next match. On a slightly related note, both times I've had to ride home from the games on my bike, the first time in a pair of shorts only due to blisters and a lack of clothes (had me looking like a homeless man around Christiania (which is the norm)) and the second game i was lost for a cumulative total of 2 hours, biking around outer CPH like a bewildered, alabaster retard.

In other events i, along with other Aussie udviklingsstuderende headed to Malmö for the Sunday to catch Malmöfest, a fete type event with live music, food stall and general good times. We stopped by the beach on the way and swam in the non-seaweed, jellyfish infested, deep waters of Malmö's least rocky beach؟؟؟؟؟
Here's a few f*cking pictures.

Swedish Ikea (top meatballs and Danish)

Peta just loving the 2.25% alcohol we can buy.

This is near to the place where i ordered a burrito entirely in Swedish (ladies.. ;])

Also got a new bike ay, maybe bunny hops and skids have ensued.

Lastly had a mad international moment when my google chrome offered to translate an English-Swedish translation into Danish. Subtle signs I should be a polyglot.

Im out like a girl scout.
See you around, Space Cowboy

P.S. Check out the Pizza from last night (and protonz with 3kgs of PB) Dat dreamer bulk/10