G'day all,
First time reporting in since finishing my fantastical language course and beginning the tough slog which is:
Økonomisk (economics) and statsvidenskab (political science) .
So I've finally been able to sort my classes and timetable, which has me attending every day but Thursday
but no more than 3 hours each day, and a class clash on Friday mornings. So I guess this is ok? We
will see how it pans out I guess. I might have to change my UFC class and the unit of Breakdanceology for a
double class on "Aliens" (They have some pretty sweet courses at KU, you should check it out for sure)
But in all seriousness I have Finance, trade theory, macro and IR in the 3rd world. Its informative and
well structured, deffo recommend for those of you looking for a renowned and reputable university to
study at.
Here it is (very picturesque for an old Hospital):
So obvs i have taken this opportunity to party and get to know lots of interesting people sit in my room and
watch the Workaholics and read some books. I'm an outrageous individual.
On a more lewd note, I did have a mentor welcoming party last Friday to which I attend with a few mates.
Was going swimmingly up until the bright idea of purchasing 3L of vintage James Hardy wine. And then
suddenly its the morning and I'm left bewildered as to why I feel like I tried to eat a grenade. Piecing my
night back together saw me attend several parties (some of which I was invited to, mind) and then pilfer
several slices of tea cake from some poor innocent bystanders table. Fair to say I'm done with hvidvin.
Pics: (TBA)
Conversely, my rugby team (the great FRK) made the super league, which entitles us to play across the
country against other qualifying teams, which should be chill. Also Danmark beat Norway in the Viking
Tri-nations. Good stuff.
Not sure what else you loyal plebs want to read, so feel free to add suggestions.
I am endeavoring to dust off my camera and show you guys what the Dylman gets up to on the reg.
Should be mad nuts.
Weathers been awesome-sauce. Looking to get a bit chillier though.
Plenty of hyggeligt gange and more to come i hope.
Signing off while listening to some Aus Hip-hop and making Bacon and eggs
(bulk and deadlift day brahs)
G'day all,
First time reporting in since finishing my fantastical language course and beginning the tough slog which is:
Økonomisk (economics) and statsvidenskab (political science) .
So I've finally been able to sort my classes and timetable, which has me attending every day but Thursday
but no more than 3 hours each day, and a class clash on Friday mornings. So I guess this is ok? We
will see how it pans out I guess. I might have to change my UFC class and the unit of Breakdanceology for a
double class on "Aliens" (They have some pretty sweet courses at KU, you should check it out for sure)
But in all seriousness I have Finance, trade theory, macro and IR in the 3rd world. Its informative and
well structured, deffo recommend for those of you looking for a renowned and reputable university to
study at.
Here it is (very picturesque for an old Hospital):
So obvs i have taken this opportunity to party and get to know lots of interesting people sit in my room and
watch the Workaholics and read some books. I'm an outrageous individual.
On a more lewd note, I did have a mentor welcoming party last Friday to which I attend with a few mates.
Was going swimmingly up until the bright idea of purchasing 3L of vintage James Hardy wine. And then
suddenly its the morning and I'm left bewildered as to why I feel like I tried to eat a grenade. Piecing my
night back together saw me attend several parties (some of which I was invited to, mind) and then pilfer
several slices of tea cake from some poor innocent bystanders table. Fair to say I'm done with hvidvin.
Pics: (TBA)
Conversely, my rugby team (the great FRK) made the super league, which entitles us to play across the
country against other qualifying teams, which should be chill. Also Danmark beat Norway in the Viking
Tri-nations. Good stuff.
Not sure what else you loyal plebs want to read, so feel free to add suggestions.
I am endeavoring to dust off my camera and show you guys what the Dylman gets up to on the reg.
Should be mad nuts.
Weathers been awesome-sauce. Looking to get a bit chillier though.
Plenty of hyggeligt gange and more to come i hope.
Signing off while listening to some Aus Hip-hop and making Bacon and eggs
(bulk and deadlift day brahs)
Aaaaaaaand your food looked like you mashed everything together.... You should present your cool neighbours!!!