Sunday, 13 January 2013

Nej tak Jeff og an Ulfsarks year of the Snake.

Welcome to the Year of the Snake. "Snakes are elongate, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears", just in case you serfs had no idea.

Here is a gratuitous picture:
Will Smith reprising one of his most famous roles

Its been a smashing start to the year for yours truly. I had a mint time on NYE, my first outside of the Terra Australis and quite a spectacular sight to behold as there are lax laws on fireworks in Denmark. So everyone obliged, with a showing to make any 7th century Chinese man cream his jeans.

Just a snippet for srsly 8 hours of straight fireworks. 15 year old boys were likely to be abandoning their phalanges activities of 2013..... Like guitar and chopsticks you dirty minded blog readers.

Potential awkward high school incidents aside, I was also able to polish of my remaining written assignment with great vivacity and aplomb. A 12 out of 12 for the Dylman is assured, if not even a request to meet the queen with it being such a tour de force. As humble as I am, i can probably say it was my magnum opus, and should assume it will fundamentally change the way we perceive almost everything. Autographs can be emailed at request @

Now it is time to drink, sleep, lift, eat, and frolic. Classes begin in week 6 and I should have updates on all new exchange students, roommates, Oslo and a whole bunch of other madness.

Fancy 007 themed NYE dinner

Australian Uni student master race checking out with some big, dirty, stinking bass.

P.s big shout out to Merle for interrupting me the entire time while ive been trying to knock this post out.
"Where did all my champagne go?"

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