Monday, 15 April 2013

First-order logic, with a dash of felix felicis

Good morning class,

For today, I will be presenting a range of pictures from a few soirees thrown this past fortnight or so, which can give you an indication of the amount of grueling labour I've been undertaking during the first months of spring in this lovely city. Its terribly difficult, insofar as laying out in the sun for 4 hours is incredibly trying.
This is not to say there hasnt been a tonne of homework, which there has, but more along the lines of all work and no play will make Jack a dull boy. With my leisure activities being more so restricted from an injury sustained at my first rugby trial match. Its been a limpy 2 weeks, of that there is no doubt.

An accurate depiction of me limping around on that pirate time. Swashbuckling!
Contrary to my kitchen mates (unintended pirate term) behest I did not see some fanciful doctor, morose spawn of Eir, but instead placed my trust in the one true healer of any man injury or manjury..

Walking it off, adequately described here by Urban dictionary: Stiff upper lip.

So without further ado, i present you with a grandiose display of the last few weekends of my life.

All class.

det lige meget..

Good night sweet princes

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